David Taylor obituary

David Taylor (Senior) Obituary

12 Jan 2021

It is with much sadness that we have to report the sad loss of one of our ex-players David Taylor (Senior). David passed away suddenly at home on Sunday 10th January 2021. This David Taylor obituary highlights his varied contributions to the club.

Dave was a right arm, over-leg spinner who played for all three of our senior teams over many years, taking many wickets and winning a number of trophies along the way. Sadly his batting was not up to the same standard. However, he did say he once won the cricket first team batting average, achieved by batting eleven each week and not getting out. (Yet the total number of runs he scored in the season did not however meet the criteria at the time. Therefore, his figures were disregarded despite his arguments…).

The Flapper

Running in with his Bobby Charlton comb-over flapping in the wind, gave him his second nickname โ€œFlapper.โ€ But he was primarily known as Tiger. He did advise that the Tiger nickname came after he lost a lot of money on the club fruit machine (something Dave did not like to do!) and began kicking it, causing George Boardman to say โ€œyou attacked that machine like a tigerโ€ and it stuck.

Tiger played at the club for many years and undertook many roles, including Team Captain, Acting Club Chairman and barman, mainly on the drinking side, not the pouring side.

Tiger was a very popular member of the club except for one Saturday following a big semi-final game where the other team needed four off the last ball. The field was spread and the ball bowled, the batsman half hit the ball toward the boundary patrolled by Tiger who had all the time in the world to get into the long barrier position as the ball rolled up to him, which he did with aplomb. Unfortunately, just prior to reaching Tiger the ball hit a divot and jumped over Tigerโ€™s shoulder for four – game lost… no one spoke to him all night. On another occasion, he celebrated a rare catch on the boundary by running behind the sight screen reappearing at the other side just in time to see the Umpire signalling a six!

A great guy and a great friend to many – a sad loss.

We pass on our sincere condolences to all his family, who were keen supporters of the club and attended many functions, particularly his son Ciaran who also played for us for many years from junior to first-team (a far better batsman than his Dad!). This David Taylor obituary honours his memory and legacy. God Bless.